Justice and Superheroes

Today at the art museum, I was not really inspired by any of the paintings to be quite honest. I felt this way until I ventured to the back of the exhibit where I saw two paintings depicting Superman with both heroes and victims of the 9/11 tragedy. When I saw these paintings, I realized that justice was more than just making sure people are following the law. All police officers have to do their job in making sure that the law is being followed, but there are a select few that are actually passionate about making sure that people everywhere are being treated justly. Justice is more than just following the rules, it is doing what you believe is considered right, sticking up for people who cant do it themselves, and being a positive leader and role model. Justice is not fighting crime, it is trying to prevent anybody from feeling unsafe. I think that even though the original paintings of superheroes alone did not inspire me, superheroes can be seen as fighters and providers of justice. They are doing what they believe is right, just like most police officers, firefighters and doctors depicted in the painting above.

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